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Writer's pictureRKM


Updated: Jan 19, 2019

The love of God is amazing. It is a love that has no measure and cannot be boxed in or contained. It is a love that compels and draws. It is kind, patient and compassionate. It is fierce, powerful, and overwhelming. It is a love that reaches out to the lowly and to the proud. It seeks out that which is lost until it is found. It never fails and It never gives up. It is a love that redeems and sets free; a love that surpasses cultural and theological boundaries; It is meant for ALL and meant to be given away. It has no end. It is the embodiment of who God is and what we should emulate to our fellow man.

Throughout scripture we see the love of God displayed to and through His people. His display of love changed the course of history for you and for me. No GREATER Love has ever been displayed than the love of God the Father. He loved His creation, you and I, so much that He GAVE His only son. God knew that His son would end up dying a criminal's death, yet in still, He sent Him and Gave Him for you and for me; Such GREAT love. His love compelled Him to make a way for you and I to be saved. God's love is the gift that keeps on giving. Consider loving like He does.

If you are feeling less than loved, alone and empty know that God loves you, wants you and values you. His love is no ordinary love; it will change you, strengthen you, redeem you and most importantly, save you.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the wold through Him might be saved." John 3:16-17 PL

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